Friday, May 22, 2015


I admit it, I have an obsession
It's a song. I play a few games online, and you do, too. Admit it. I don't care if it's Trivia Crack (I got bored with it after 18 questions about LeBron) or Words With Friends (Yeah, I can rarely think of the words or phrases I know are in OED, which is why I make up new ones all the time), or will my fb account be there today or will it get nuked again for no reason with no warning, if you're online, you play.
One game I play is DoubleU Casino. Don't judge. I lived in Reno a long time. This one is free, as long as you are smart, & patient enough to not spend real $. Anyway. The mobile version has this 1 game, Shooting Stars. When you get a "Big Win," it plays this funky tune.
That is my latest obsession. It has been haunting me for weeks. I hear it in my sleep.
I'll play the game just to hit a Big Win, then let it play for a while, until another bleep or blip requires me to stop it.
I don't know the tune
I feel like I should. Like I've heard it before, maybe on an outtake reel of a movie.
I've asked the DUC people and gotten no response, but you can hear it, briefly, on youtube. No, I'm not linking it, just Google it.
In my mind, somewhere in New York, on a darkened stage with just enough light to make out the figure of a man...
"I haven't played one of these since... "
heard: (trombone)
🎵Buh.. buh.. duh duh... buh.. buh.. duh duh...🎵
Another figure, slips behind a drum kit, a little more light, almost revealing a man
"Hey, that's kinda..."
🎵snare in tempo with bass drum to trombone🎵
More light and 3rd figure
🎵Blues piano picks up beat🎵
4th figure
rising light to reveal:
Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Eddie Murphy, and Chevy Chase!! They finish playing the funkiest little ditty I have ever heard, a groovy rockabilly motown jazzy little jive tune, without ever saying another word, then the:
And none of it is ever advertised before, nor mentioned during the show.
And that is what happens in my obsessive mind while I'm talking to anyone about anything, showering (because baths end up with concrete rash and me hiccuping in cheap wine), settling real estate issues, etc. Lately.
But play the damn game on mobile just to hear that song.

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