Saturday, May 30, 2015

Men are oranges

Okay, I had this insightful bit composed in my head, but by the time I got my connection back, it was gone. Stormy.
I'm honestly wondering at this point in my life, how much tequila must be involved for me to get to numb. More than a fifth, but that was enough for me to totally lose my train of thought. Or maybe it was that it took more than 6 seconds. I've never been diagnosed with A.D.D., but I have 2 cats, which is kinda the same thing.

Same basic concept but hugely varying differences in peel, skin, taste, pulp... something along those lines. I've become a connoisseur of oranges. I started gorging myself on them, unabashedly, when a friend swung by with some that had been on trees in his family's orchard 2 days before he arrived. 

Yeah, *that* kind of fresh.

They triggered my highly sensitive metabolism, and I started ..oh! I just discovered if you're in a dark room with only cell phone light while peeling an orange, you can see the spray as you release the peel! You can't see that in normal light. Wait, what was I... *sigh*

Anyway, turns out oranges also have a bunch of potassium, but nobody thought to tell me because most people prefer bananas to oranges. See! I remembered the point this time! I just lost the in between stuff. And my original analogy.

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