Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Mistakes were made

That should be on my headstone if I ever kick off - 

Mistakes were made

but it has rarely been illustrated so clearly as this morning. 
It began last night, actually, because I didn't get up to go to the bathroom one last time before sleep. I couldn't, there was a cat on my lap sleeping

and when Rags is comfy I don't want to move him.

But, when I woke up this morning, as a result I had to go. Now anyone who knows me knows I have to take meds or my leg doesn't work very well, and it's a battle to see if my need to pee can wait until my meds work, and that's every damn morning. It's just part of my life I accept. Since I didn't want to do way more laundry than intended, I forced myself to go before my leg was really working well, and then to take Geo out because he, too, was doing the go wriggles.

Apparently I did not click the door shut behind me in my struggle to get to the chair before my leg totally gave out. So I was waiting for meds, whining to Katie about it, and she was telling me a sordid tale of underwear and dryer living, so I was not paying attention when the door opened and this guy came out to join us.

Brat immediately headed for the site of Pee Wars (wherein he and Geo take turns marking the spot to wipe out each other' scent, an amusing - until now - little game they play) but he, too, was not paying attention. Nor was Geo. 
I looked up just in time to see Geo pee on Brat's tail and Brat swatting Geo's bits in retaliation.
Hissy fit and barkyness ensues, Mom intervenes despite not having a functional leg yet, and hurt feelings all around.

Mistakes were made.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Ground DAWG day

I've just lost too many, lately.
My friend's husband sent me some of her cremains, and I want to keep her with me but damn!
Go to amazon and search: cremains/women/jewelry.

I double cat dare you.
109 pages.
So anyway today is Imbolc, groundhog day, Candlemas,  I survived all 900 days of January, whatever. 
But "February is a monster."
Ground DAWG Day!