Sunday, August 16, 2015

Shame on you all

I wasn't going to talk about it, but I can't not talk about it. Maybe the problem is that too many people don't talk about it. I mean the "R" word. Yeah. Racism.
They are doing work on the railroad here, for about a 7 mile stretch, and at every crossroad in addition to a gazillion signs & flashing lights, they also have a worker stationed holding a STOP sign. Redundant, I feel, but no one asked me. These guys have been out there since I took Geo on morning walkies, at least the 2 I can see from my house, so I presume all of them have been. 1 had a cooler and had a bottle of water in his hand, and 1 did not. The 1 who didn't was black.
I had to make a run into town (yes, there was a sale on booze. Don't judge me) and noticed every single group or individual had coolers or was holding water bottles. They were all white.
I don't immediately jump to the "R" word, but I also damned sure don't allow it around me, and have no trouble speaking out against it, when I see it. Immediately.
First thing, I stopped and went back to my house and grabbed 3 bottles of water and took them to the guy, and told him, "I've worked outside in summertime, it sucks, here."
This kid couldn't have been more than 20. And what he said hurt my heart.
"Oh, ma'am, thank you, ma'am, they were supposed to bring around water but I think they forgot me."
Ouch. Fucking ouch.
All I could do was tell him, "My house is right there. If you need more water, or to use the bathroom, you just come right there."
Then I got on the phone and made some OH HELL NO YOU DON'T calls to the railroad.
I don't know what will happen, if anything, but to the railroad people who furnished all the guys but him with water, and everyone who drove by without seeing, shame on you all, you rotten excuses for humanity.

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