Friday, September 9, 2016

Congratulations, It's a Divorce!!

No, not mine. Yet. A couple I've known on fb since before they were a couple, met, married, and now barely a few years later have announced they are divorcing and she is moving back to where she was before they married. 
Hint: foreign country to the North
So, yeah, they went through a metric ton of paperwork, and bullshit to be together. And now it's ending, and I'm actually sad for them, regardless of how much I loathe the concept of marriage. I do not believe a piece of paper from any agency be it religious or government makes anyone's union more or less valid, and all it does it fuck things up if it doesn't work. But enough about the way things should be.
Thing is, nobody knew they were having trouble. I mean nobody. They told no one of thousands of friends and relatives. I applaud the hell out of that. It is really difficult to ignore the temptation to blurt out your mess to hopefully sympathetic and supportive friends. I should know. Immediately when I began having problems I shut the hell up publicly about anything to do with it. I see all these people getting fired, or having fb used as a damn witness in court, and realized I don't need that kind of hassle in addition to everything else in my life.
I do not mention my realtionship, lack or presence of, nor do I mention anything which could get me or anyone else arrested. Any illegalities are all from expired statutes of limitation or I've served the time, paid the fine, sentence discharged, thank you very much.
They said nothing. That is smart, and it is classy, because they also did not put the burden of a failing marriage on friends. Hell, when they announced it yesterday, they didn't even put the burden on each other! They each claimed/accepted blame for their own parts in it all 
Not like most people.

The other side of the coin is those couples who let it all out, and I mean things no one else should ever know. I'm sitting there with popcorn watching my newsfeed, clicking refresh every few minutes because of my shitty connection, screaming, "WHAT HAPPENED THEN??? WHAT DID THE NEIGHBOR'S HUSBAND SAY WHEN HE FOUND ALL 3 OF YOU IN BED??? DAMN MY NET!!"

Then, there's the other couple. Married 35 years, planning an anniversary outing, and they warm the single tiny almost dead cockle of my shriveled black heart. Their love and respect for each other shines. I love these people, and what they have found with and in each other. I do not doubt a single iota for them it is truly, "Til death do us part," and it's, "As Simple As That."

But for me, it's just another excuse to eat cake. Yes, divorce cakes are huge now. Although I did not get cake for my birthday, this past Monday. Nobody thought I might want a birthday cake, much less the right cake. So shortly before midnight, I broke down and stuck a candle in a pumpkin spice minimuffin, and made my wish.

I need this one to come true.

***On the next post: a unique gift I received and hopefully a few words with its creator!**

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