Monday, May 18, 2015

A question of coffee

"You talk a lot about coffee, so how do you take yours?"
Sheesh. You get 1 shot to ask me a question and that's what you ask? Fine. My 1st pot I take IV before getting out of bed. 

Okay - MY COFFEE - 1/2 cup plain old Folgers Dark and add 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. 12 cups bottled water
- I am not drinking this foulness from here. When the past 4 years they keep sending out cautions to not boil the water or use it to make ice or drink it if you are young, elderly, or have "certain health conditions," which they never specify, because of illegally high nitrate levels in the water as part of the run off from the fertilizer plant and from all the farms but do they do anything about it? Hell no. Anyway. Where was I?
- 1 Tbsp vanilla extract (gets rid of bitterness - I should have drank some on Mother's Day!) added to the water. Pour it in except about 2 Tbsp water, leave that in the pot and add 1 Tbsp caramel extract. Flip switch. No not that switch. The On switch. The instant it's ready I pour a LARGE mug, with 1 Sweet & Low and just a tiny splash of real cream. Trust me. It's all about texture and richness of flavor - worth a few extra calories.
And yes, it's strong. Why the hell drink something that's going to fuel my lasix in a conspiracy to keep my a.m. mailing address as "Bathroom" if it isn't going to do it's real job of waking me up and getting me to function!
Then, I have coffee. 1/3 ea Bailey's, brandy, KahlĂșa.
Next - Katie's gravy lesson.

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